It’s been a while since I biked from work to Capitol Hill after work and then home. I like that route in the darkening evening with good music.
K made fun of me for being a nerd and a redneck because I told a story tonight about 4/19 being a significant day for both militias and people afraid of robots. It was actually two totally random recent events that provided this information, but, I suppose that’s part of the point. I couldn’t think of an easy portmanteau for nerd + redneck; rednerd? meh.
Maybe mehneck. Hah. Lame.
I had a good chat with J today, as I somehow managed to mention from my phone while at Red Robin for a late lunch this afternoon. I continued to marvel at my trends of what was worth talking about. It’s fascinating what few things will disappoint me. I won’t tell what they are, because, actually I’m kind of embarrassed. I bet they all involve having crushes on women. So typical of me. So it goes.