Category Archives: Uncategorized

bikes bikes bikes

catching up on publicizing the BMF for Saturday. Crazytown.

This week has been straight out so I took the afternoon off and went up the Duwamish in the canoe with Colin. Good times. Plans made to go canoe camping soon, awesome. I forgot my ‘conservative born again christian’ aunt is in town as of tonight visiting. She’s pretty nice, but we’ll see how long she fares here. She already got upset because I tried to convince her that tofu wouldn’t actually harm her. She still refused to touch anything that might have tofu in it at Squid.

The thing that was going to happen Friday is postponed. I’m okay with that I guess. Hugs though.

Let’s see, otherwise, everything is pretty exciting. Great conversation with folks, lots of cool opportunities, etc.

A friend called from out of state just to say hi. Awesome. That made me happy and flattered she was thinking of me.

Grumbletown is still a sad place sometimes. But whatever. Feelings are feelings. Owned.

Great meeting about framing an open source contribution policy at work. That’s pretty rad. Did I mention that?

I need more sleep than I’m getting I think. I’ve had some sleep deprived moments where I’ve felt like I didn’t trust myself to act appropriate around anyone. On that note, sleep!

please, not another blank subject

Finally tracked down a couple of friends to see 500 days of Summer tonight. I didn’t want to go alone or with a stranger to see, as Hannah confirmed, “a Bryan movie.” Why is it that I’m totally unashamed of my big heart until it becomes a burden? General confidence issue, specific confidence issue, or hurt surrounding what is promised to not be a burden, abruptly is?

This is a story of boy meets girl. But you should know up front, this is not a love story.

Rad conversation about relationships online tonight after the movie. Got thinking a bunch about how resilient I am over the long term, but still vulnerable to being hurt interim. That’s probably the right place to be. Movie still has a relatively happy ending that puts the moral in giant bold letters across the screen. That’s alright.

You weren’t wrong, Tom. You were just wrong about me.

Yeah. Maybe you’re right. It’s still kinda sad.

I want to exclaim that I’m awfully fucking tired of being mistreated. That’s not fair on a couple levels. It’s an exaggeration to start. I’ve dated some good people. How to say this impartially? I suppose it’s mostly looking back at being wronged and feeling upset about it. The emotion is a bit overwhelming. I guess the memories that hurt the most are the ones where I put a lot of effort in drawing a line and communicating clearly (jesus, thinking about this conversation makes it clear that it has gotten better over the years) that I’m crossing it solely on a basis of trust, then having that trust violated.

And some other stuff. Sleep.

more identity crap

I’m exhausted. I shouldn’t be here. I even have the truck, because today was ‘world catches on fire’ day. I’m too tired to even maintain a reliable level of vaguery, so I’ll try to avoid saying too many personal things.

Lets see. Rollerderby was fucking awesome and shall become some sort of regular entertainment, I’m sure. Bike Sabbath was also wonderful, it’s nice having a group to ride bikes with again. Props to Monica for being awesome and fun and all of that. I’ve been working a lot; purse strings are still made out of red tape. Sigh. I bet I could build the hardware I need out of Linux boxes faster than I can get hardware procured. Anyone have a chef recipe for a linux based air conditioning unit? I won’t be going to Portland this week, speaking of that. Shit. I have that meeting in the morning. Fail. Secret bike stuff seems to be coming together. I’ve told a few people what I think lately and they’ve dissappeared. Oh well. No time from grumblers.

Oh, this was awesome: “you sound possibly just as energetic, unashamed, and goofy as the kids i work (really play) with everyday”. Yay! *dance*

Yeah. Somehow, I’ve become totally impressed with the people that try that I had let slip while I paid attention to the people that don’t bother to. Wow, I kind of feel like a dick for that. Oh well, it seemed a better idea at the time.

good old fashioned cute romance

Maybe we’re looking for different things

*withholds snarky comments*

Did’ja know, that I can pretty accurately summarize what I’m looking for as: to be loved.

Really, I’ve thought about this an absurd amount. There’s the usual compatibility bits, heading in the same direction, and the sorts. Outside of that, it’s pretty simple. That’s sort of funny, and not okay, at the same time.

plain worn out

Too tired to do much productive tonight. Thought about finding folks to be social with, but we have overnight company at the house so I figure I’ll just stick around here, watch a movie, and fall asleep.

I’ve been overthinking a couple things this week. Was nice to finally draw a line in the sand and say where I had gotten too. Who knows if they’ll be taken positively, but ‘dem the breaks. Those that don’t react reasonable overshadow those that do in my life. Maybe I’m just feeling negative because of the traffic officer yelling at me to do something stupid on the ride home tonight.

Amidst the whole beardo adventure a friend commented that anyone who’d actually met me would know how nice I am. I think she didn’t realize I thought it was funny and wasn’t bothered by it at the time. I can’t get to the logs easily right now, I’m too tired. It doesn’t really matter, chronologically. Regardless if she said it in that way or not, it’s true.

I think back to this really stupid argument about being selffull. In my world, putting yourself first is almost always a defense mechanism to avoid dealing with something difficult. Whatever, it’s water under the bridge, and that short yet emotional part of my life is behind me.

There’s something to take from all of this weeks conversation. When someone I have a relationship with is mean and is uninterested in taking responsiblity for the consequences of their actions, I need to walk away. This is really difficult for me, because my heart is open and vulnerable at that time. I care, and I want to be there for them. It has however, rarely, if ever, worked out without my getting really hurt.

In any case, I don’t hold any of this against anyone, or myself. I’m no good at that. It’s all bygones.

I talked to her on IM last night, just to see how she was doing. It’s been quite a while. Year, two? Who knows. Doesn’t sound like she’s changed. It’s important though, another reminder of everything that’s been put behind me, how much I’ve changed since then. She once told me she was afraid I’d date someone who thought I was awesome and that I wouldn’t grow because I’d take that as satisfactory affirmation of who I am being good enough. I laugh at that conversation in retrospect, so self-centered and immature. More selffull patterns. She brought up it being good that I’m not in Ellsworth. I think she still wants to take credit for all my accomplishments.

The friends I have continue to be awesome, supportive, and admirable.

There’s still lingering hurt here and there. To be expected, I’ll still dissappointed in her. So it is best it is over and behind me. It’s hard to come to a point where I can say that.


I’m a tinkerer who enjoys being open minded but laughing about it all the same. I wear my heart on my sleeve and thus I think, talk and write about feelings a lot. I bike, drink, weld, hike, fix, wander, camp, adventure, canoe, create, etc. I am useful, reliable, emotive, responsible, confident and caring. I’m pretty goofy and silly at times, even when being serious is appropriate there is a part of me that remains light-hearted. I’ve been accused by past coworkers of “an ability to make everyone feel comfortable in tense situations.”

Do you identify with what you do, or who you think you are?