I haven’t been home in days… Since Saturday morning when I woke early to go up to Copper Cross. This was a good time. I particularly liked the single track section being fast but more technical, than speed. All the U-turns in the fields were just exhausting. Relatively small turn out, which was kind of nice. The one person I talked to that I hadn’t met before said he was a messenger and this was his first cx race. The results I saw before I left put me 8 of 12 in the Cat 4 Men. I don’t know if they’ll bother posting final results online. It doesn’t look like they did in the past. Again, I dropped a chain. I stopped into the bike shop later to order a 46t chainring to drop down from the 48t. I tried to find a decent chain guide. Everyone is out of the Rohloff, I wonder if they’re still making them or it’s just increased demand due to the season. Most of the chainring guards top out at 44t, maybe I need to learn to spin some day. I ordered some matter of chain deflector to keep the chain from falling off the inside. Probably need to put some testing into that this week.
I ran some errands, switched bikes and headed downtown to do a bit of work before a date later. A late night chatting left me with little sleep come Sunday morning. After breakfast it was too late to make the opening SCX race, so I joined Bike Sabbath instead. I spent the entire ride out to Marymoor chatting with Jeni. By the time we made it there she had to turn around to get to a bike shop before close, so I raced back with her. Unfortunately it came down to the line despite our hurry (with an impressive 60 miles RT behind us, with no breaks on the return) and we got dinner instead. Great day! Exhausted though.
Made it back to the office to reboot a downed server (gotta get those DRAC cards going some day), watched some daily show and crashed out. Up early this morning, with a lot on my mind. Big week.