My hands feel empty, no one to hold

Back to listening to Dido. M once accused me of being sexist because I like most female vocalists. Funny girl. I need reminders right now that I’m not alone.

It’s a good things I have so many hobbies to keep my mind distracted. When it’s allowed to, my heart gets a hold of it. Under normal circumstances the worst of this is a bit of romanticising about crushes I probably wouldn’t have the opportunity to admit to. This kind of got me through a lot of life.

I cut and welded the feet back on a city bike rack that had gotten flattened by a truck today. It’s a little short and silly, but usable until they replace it. Everyone seemed to be sure I was up to no good, but nobody approached me and the police never showed up at my door. I gave painting a try, I think I’ll do more of it. And I got most of the platform built for the trailer today. Pretty product-full day in a number of different areas.

I cleaned up my room up a bit today to have some space with natural light to paint and put my old backpack in the closet. It contains my old journal, mostly prior to writing online. I laughed thinking about how everyone knew I liked K, but a couple at most knew I liked M, and remembering writing in my journal with a fear that some day someone would find out how much I liked M and be jealous.

I left those fears behind a while ago. When I compare that to L, I have no feelings of my own to hide, but everyone else’s to protect. Which one is worse? One must of course ask, “for whom?”

The trials of putting M behind me were benefited by there being hypocritcal behavior to be discovered once I peeked beyond my feelings. There are still feelings there, I’ve walked away from them. They say moved on, but tend to leave out the reality that you always live with those feelings.

Every heart wrenching experience in life seems to rewire us. Supposedly we get independent and cynical. Are the strong independence of my mind and the love of my heart destined to be forever odd and misplaced? I can believe folks can be however they are, or want to be. I’ve never been one to argue with someone about how they say they are.

Pondering how to put L behind me hurts. Like I’m stabbing myself hurts.

I check my email and phone multiple times a day, breifly hoping for contact from L deciding having me in her life is better than not. My head knows her heart works differently than mine, and it’s not likely. I feel with my heart, and it’s an innocent little fella who tends to keep on believing in people and love. I’m totally a romantic insofar as I believe love will perservere in the end.

Time. Sure. Fine. But ya know, it’s not that I don’t want to think about L anymore, I just don’t want to feel hurt when I do. Pfft.

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