Email searches always seem to bring up more than I asked for.
this may not be an appropriate response but,
i’m really wild about you. everything that you’re struggling with here are additional reasons why.
As per usual, differentiating comments about which M I’m referring to snipped to protect the innocent from the internet while still allowing myself to be meaty.
you know i resent that people don’t respect and appreciate you as you deserve to be. people are dang fools and i won’t stand for it!
And you may ask yourself-well…how did I get here?
I don’t really ask myself anymore. I’ve long accepted (told myself) that relationships are two people and I have no control over the other half. I often think about what I would say, and in my head (which is bizarro-land) it is usually “I have nothing left to say”. All I have to say right now is, fucking ouch.