I think I’m more interested in reading people’s online profiles than listening to them talk about themselves. I wonder why that is. I rarely enjoy listening to people talk.
Especially lately. I feel like I need a good week of spending every night in my basement on my computer. I haven’t had periods of needing so much time alone since Maine, so that’s interesting.
What’s going on tonight? Who knows. I had dinner at squid, cleaned up some more post burning man mess, and now I’m finally putting Ubuntu back on my home desktop. I had Vista on it for a time, since my current job was new, and Vista heavy, I figured I should use it for a bit. It’s had two modes lately, a) sound card briefly working before a blue screen, b) sound card disabled with no blue screens. Default drivers too. I was pushed over the edge today when I tried to access another disk and it also caused a blue screen. As of now, Hardy is installed, I’ve just got to try to get my pile of monitors working again and fix grub some day.
I ran into Anthony, with Lauren at Office Depot while in search of an iPod battery during lunch today (I ended up ordering one online from Best Buy) and then saw Lisa and Jess at the Vietnamese place next to Radio Shack. I think the last time I saw Lisa was there, which is funny. Stories of burning man and Ginger had already traveled to Lisa from having lunch earlier in the week with Kate, who is in town waiting for Vicki to have her baby. But there were enough juicy details for me to chatter for a bit. It’s fun running into people.